piątek, 11 maja 2012

glass bottles

Since the name of my blog - "szkieuka" - is the Polish word meaning "little pieces of glass", I am obviously a big fan of this material, no matter what form it comes in; be it stained glass in magnificent buildings or little churches, or art glass, or even mundane, everyday objects.

As a crafter, I can always use containers both for storage and to decorate or upcycle into objects of art, whimsical and surprising. Glass jars and bottles are no exception; and they can easily be purchased online. At sunburstbottle.com yo can choose from a vast selection: clear glass and colored (amber and cobalt), coming in different shapes (Boston rounds, vials, perfume/oil, decorative and somewhat irregular), sizes (from tiny vials to large capacity glass bottles), with corks or caps.

Small, clear glass vials could be a perfect, stylish way to store beads, charms and other trinkets. I'm one of those people that hates to throw even broken pieces away, being convinced that one day I will surely find a use for them! The key, though, to keep them organized and visible; otherwise one just forgets that they exist. What better container than clear glass, which you can purchase at very affordable prices?

Larger bottles can be filled with beautiful sand art, or used in the kitchen for decoration and storage. And, who knows - maybe one day I will decide to dabble in some liquid crafts, like special fragrant oils, and fill up those other cute specialty bottles?

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