piątek, 6 marca 2009


I signed up yesterday for an account on blogsvertise.com, hoping to gain some extra income for our family. I found the link on Crafty Corral and did not wait long to go and see what's going on there. It doesn't seem daunting at all - there are very clear instructions and also a Frequently Asked Questions section, in case the Rules didn't provide all the explanation.
It looks like I will be receiving tasks - writing short 100-word entries about certain web sites. One hundred words does not seem too hard (I've been informed at work we have to qualify over 2200 accounts in our database that nobody has touched in the last few years - and THAT is a major undertaking!) It seems I always have to limit myself not to write too much, so having another reason to type will do no harm. Just the opposite - may provide a few bucks for personal shopping (who knows, maybe on one of the sites presented in the entries.)
One of the rules, which I find rather amusing, says that I do not have to praise the site - I can even make all sorts of complaints and it will count :)
[and now - ta-dam - the equivalent content in Polish.]
Zapisalam sie wczoraj na blogsvertise.com z nadzieja, ze wpadnie mi pare dolarkow na konto. Znalazlam link na szydelkowym glownie blogu Crafty Corral, powedrowalam czem predzej przeczytac, o co sie rozchodzi. Jasna sprawa, opisana w dziale Rules oraz w Frequently Asked Questions, gdyby ktos jeszcze mial watpliwosci. Jesli moj blogasek zostanie przyjety, to bede otrzymywac zadania - tasks - polegajace na opisaniu w co najmniej 100 slowach okreslonej strony. Z setka slow chyba nie powinno byc klopotu - i tak staram sie zwykle graniczyc, zeby za bardzo sie tu nie rozwlekac :D Jedna z regul mowi tez, ze nie ma koniecznosci chwalenia danej witryny - mozna ja spokojnie zjechac z gory na dol i sie bedzie liczylo.
Tak, ze na razie zamieszczam ten eksperymentalny poscik i jesli go przyjma, to bedzie wiecej podobnych.

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