We saw as much green yesterday as we could handle, I think. Once again, it was supposed to be a little trip, but it turned into an all-day adventure. We visited four green areas: Moraine Hills State Park, Volo Bog Natural State Area, Chain O'Lakes State Park and Zion State Park.
Moraine Hills to, rzecz jasna, zestaw wzgórz i jeziorek. Najbardziej zachwyciły mnie kwiaty - i te super-kolorowe na łąkach, i te bielusieńkie na wodzie. (Monet wita i zaprasza.)
Moraine Hills was, of course, a medley of hills and lakes. My biggest amazement involved flowers - the super-colorful ones in the meadows, and the white ones on water. (Monet, where are you?)
Volo Bog - powędrowaliśmy krótszą pętelką, prowadzącą głównie po pomostach przez trzciny i inne zarośla. Chciałoby się nagrać jakoś ten bagienny zapach lata, ale T mówi, że jednak się nie da. Choć zakupił sobie ostatnio filtr polaryzacyjny i zdjęcia wychodzą właśnie tak kolorowe, jak w niniejszym fotoreportażu. Aż trudno uwierzyć - nie miałam wczoraj przy sobie aparatu :)
Volo Bog - we walked the shorter trail, mostly trekking on the wooden boardwalks through reeds and other greenery. I wish we could somehow record the boggy smell of summer - just the perfect embodiment of summer's peak, but T says that we do not have that technology yet. Even with the polarizing filter he acquired recently and which takes photos like the ones included here. Hard to believe - yesterday I didn't even take my camera with me, he talkes all the photos nowadays...
Chain O'Lakes - nie było tam nic bardzo niezwykłego, ale odkryliśmy, że za niezbyt wielką kwotę można tam wypożyczać motorówki - mamy więc wymyśloną przygodę na urodziny T: bierzemy "uć", prowiant, picie, komarozol i zasuwamy w trasę, choćby i na cały dzień.
Chain O'Lakes wasn;t anything terribly unusual, but we discovered that we can rent motorboats there for a reasonable amount of money. So this is what we are going to do for T's birthday - get into "da boat" with food, drink, repellent (+map, sunblock) and go away even for the whole day.
Chain O'Lakes wasn;t anything terribly unusual, but we discovered that we can rent motorboats there for a reasonable amount of money. So this is what we are going to do for T's birthday - get into "da boat" with food, drink, repellent (+map, sunblock) and go away even for the whole day.
Wreszcie - Zion. Spore fale, chłodny wiatr... w sam raz do fotografowania i jazdy na latawco-deskach. Albo po prostu posiedzenia na plaży (jako reklama Kraftsmana.) W towarzystwie dość natrętnego ptactwa, ale za to z pięęęęknymi widokami.
Finally - Zion. Sizeable waves, cool breeze... suitable for photography and riding the kite-surfboards. Or just sitting on the beach, accompanied by rather nosey birds, and surrounded by awesome views.
Finally - Zion. Sizeable waves, cool breeze... suitable for photography and riding the kite-surfboards. Or just sitting on the beach, accompanied by rather nosey birds, and surrounded by awesome views.
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